FYI, Posted by Bruce Kushnick.


Teletruth News Alert, October 20th, 2005

Teletruth Requests Congress Start Immediate Investigations into the Previous
Bell Mergers.

*    SBC --- Southwestern Bell, Pacific Telesis, Ameritech, SNET
*    Verizon  --- Bell Atlantic, NYNEX and GTE

Do Not Let 2 Companies Turn Off America's Digital Future!, Teletruth today,
filed a request with the House and Senate Commerce Committees to investigate
the previous mergers of SBC and Verizon.

To read the entire letter (PDF) and other materials.

Dear Congressmen Barton, Upton, Markey, Dingell, Senators Lautenberg, Mc
Cain, Inouye, Stevens, DeWine, Kohl, FCC Commissioners Martin, Copps,
Adelstein, Abernathy

RE: Request for Immediate Hearings and an Investigation Pertaining to the
Previous Mergers of SBC and Verizon.
*    SBC = Southwestern Bell, Pacific Telesis, Ameritech and SNET
*    Verizon = Bell Atlantic, NYNEX and GTE

Right now SBC is asking for the right to buy AT&T, while Verizon is asking
to buy MCI. Instead, investigate the previous mergers for their harms to
America's broadband, competition and our economic health. Do not let two
companies that already control 70% of America's communications be able to
shut down the rest of America's Digital Future.

Did you know that under the previous mergers:

*    26 states' fiber optic deployments were closed down because of the SBC
and Verizon mergers. In every previous merger, SBC and Verizon closed down
fiber optic deployments in over 26 states, impacting over 200 million
American citizens, about 70% of the entire US population.

*    43 cities did not receive robust competition from SBC and Verizon. Both
companies were supposed to compete outside of their own regions with
wireline competition as the basis for their last mergers. Virtually none of
that competition ever materialized and today no Bell company is competing
vigorously for wireline competition as committed. Ironically, every merger
claimed it was opening the networks for competition, and yet the largest of
competitors, AT&T and MCI, are now being sold off.


*    $500 Billion annually was lost. New Networks Institute (NNI) estimates
that this lack of 'true' broadband cost the US economy $500 billion
annually, about $4 trillion since 1996. America lost an entire decade of
technological innovation because the Bell companies did not fulfill their
obligations. America's broadband is 1/50th the speed of other countries.
-"True" broadband can handle high-quality video.

*    $205 billion of overcharging. We estimate that the Bell companies
collected over $205 billion in higher phone rates, including inflated
Universal Service funding, and tax breaks for fiber optic networks the
customers never received. That's over $2000.00 a household and growing.

Let's put a few facts on the table. - The Fiber Optic Scam.

America is 12th to 16th in the world in broadband, (depending on which
International group you believe) because two companies, Verizon and SBC, did
not fulfill their obligations to build out the fiber optic networks as
committed by state alternate deregulation plans. Instead, after the ink on
the mergers was dry, they closed down over 26 state's fiber deployments and
spent the excess profits overseas, or rolled out the companies' other
products. The companies did not put the money in the ground.

86 million households should have had these fiber optic networks by 2005,
with services that could deliver speeds of 45mps in both-directions, with
the capability of 534 channels. And these networks were supposed to be OPEN
to all competitors, not controlled by the contractor.

Let's take SBC-Pacific Telesis-Ameritech-SNET.

*    Pacific Telesis: SBC merged with Pacific Telesis and then closed down
fiber optic deployments to 5.5 million households in California, with a
financial commitment of $16 billion dollars, all by 2000.
*    Ameritech: SBC purchased Ameritech then closed down deployments to 6
million households in five states, including Ohio, Illinois, Michigan,
Wisconsin an Indiana -- $29 billion was to be spent over 15 years, starting
in 1994.
*    SNET: SBC merged with SNET then closed down a $4.5 billion "I-SNET"
plan rewire Connecticut.

In the mega-SBC, these companies were supposed to spend over $33.6 billion,
and have 11.5 million households wired with fiber to the home - By 2000.
This was to replace the copper wiring with fiber optics to the home and
office, school and library. This was NOT DSL over the existing copper
wiring, at 50th of the speed.

And when the phone companies claim that they have millions of miles of fiber
- Who cares? It is a highway with no on-and-off ramps. The fiber commitments
were to the home and office, school and library, not somewhere in the
network ether.

The fact is that state laws were 'deregulated' to give the phone companies
billions of dollars per state to pay for these network upgrades. The
companies made both state commitments with the Public Utility Commissions,
as well as with the public through commercial speech commitments to deploy
these networks. Hundreds of millions of dollars was spent to get agreements
in the majority of US states and convince the public that they would bring a
fiber optic future by the year 2000.

And then we have Verizon - NYNEX, Bell Atlantic and GTE. Verizon was
supposed to spend $15.6 billion and have 17,750,000 households wired with
fiber by 2000. Verizon also went state to state to change the laws, and was
given multiple billions per state in the form of higher phone rates and tax
write-offs. The company never fulfilled any of its fiber optic services that
were promised in the states, such as New Jersey, Pennsylvania or
Massachusetts, not to mention the GTE territories. After each merger, all of
the fiber optic plans were simply canceled or written-off. They never spent
the money on new construction and the public never received the services
promised. For example, by 2004, Pennsylvania Bell should have rewired 50% of
the state with fiber in rural, suburban, and urban areas equally, with speed
of 45mps in two directions. None of it was ever deployed.

NNI estimates that $25-50 billion has been 'cross-subsidized', the phone
company using local phone rate profits designated for fiber upgrades to pay
for long distance entry, the inferior DSL or the companies' wireless

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