Dear all,

I am debating the point - are mobile phones useful or wasteful?

The answer is both. It's useful in emergencies. It's wasteful more
often than useful.

I have seen people becoming zoombies of mobile phones and without it
in their hands, their hands start shaking and feel handicapped!! If it
doesn't ring after sometime, they switch off and switchon just to
check if the connectivity is still there? It hasmade us more

Many people ask me do you carry a mobile? If I say yes, immediately
thay want the number, to call me at any time of their convenience and
disturb me. When I tell them, you can call me on a landline 24x7
operation and leave a message, they are not satisfied. Their ego is
hurt, if they think, they can't have the right to reach me directly
any time of the day or night!!

To me even land lines are a big nuisance. Their ring is so disturbing
o the environment. Especially when someone is not at the desk and it
goes on ringing!! Particularly intercoms!!

I have had the misfortune of being a witness to all the drama that
goes on when you call on someone. When I have just started the
conversation, the phone rings - both os us are instantly disturbed and
the conversation gets discontinued; he / she immediately puts out his
hand and grabs a telephone receiver, only to relaise that is not the
phone!! so goes on trying one after another, till he / she picks up
the right one!!

Most conversations are avoidable and are just mutual flattery. I think
hardly 10% real business is dome over phone concversations, except by
thos who are real business minded!I have been witness to many
conversations, not worth mentioning. Ofcourse everything depends on
the status of the caller and receiver. The telephone proves the axiom:
"You are powerful before the poweless; and powerless before the

Many traffic accidents happen due to mobile phones being attended while driving!

The best is to have  silent messaging solution so the the receiver can
see the message at his / her convenience and respond!! The computer
should become an auto recording of the call, answering machine and
voice recorder.

I may sound negative but that's how the picture looks like. It's high
time, we get away from these disturbing devices in the name of
promoting ICt and bridging the digital divide!!

Kris Dev, for Tr-Ac Net, Chennai
Transparency and Accountability
A global, not-for-profit, Network
With Peter Burgess,
Tr-Ac Net, New York

"You are not going to have moral people until you have moral institutions.
You will not have moral citizens until you have a moral government."

"You are not going to have moral people until you have moral institutions. 
You will not have moral citizens until you have a moral government."
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