New World Dialogue on Regulation book
available in print and online

   Stimulating Investment in Network Development:
   Roles for Regulators

The final report from the second WDR research cycle has been
released in both print and online formats. Edited by Amy Mahan and
William Melody, the 383 page book contains the body of research and
country case studies undertaken to investigate issues and
perspectives on the theme Stimulating Investment in Network
Development: Roles for Regulators.

This report is the second in a series of research cycles that WDR is
undertaking to assess different approaches to regulation in a rapidly
changing telecom environment. With the advent of privatisation,
competition, and converging infrastructure sectors, the role of the
regulator is in a transitional phase.

The first World Dialogue on Regulation research cycle assessed two
emerging regulatory trends and the report, The Next Step in Telecom
Reform: ICT Convergence Regulation or Multisector Utility Regulation,
is available for download
<>. The third
research cycle (currently underway) is focusing on diversifying
participation in network development

Stimulating Investment in Network Development: Roles for Regulators,
Amy Mahan & William Melody (Eds.), Uruguay, 2005.
ISBN (print): 87-90288-18-1
ISBN (online): 87-90288-18-3

Amy Mahan

+(598.2) 4102979
Dr. Pablo de María 1036
Montevideo, Uruguay
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