(A version of this item - with live links - is available at

Dear Colleagues,

According to the Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (N-TEN
<http://www.nten.org/>), a webinar is "...an online seminar hosted by
N-TEN, on topics relating to nonprofit technology. Participants log-in
to watch the presentation on their personal computers and listen by
dialing in by phone."

I'm somewhat dubious about the power of online education, but my
confidence in N-TEN's ingenuity is very high.  Therefore, if N-TEN is
offering webinars on nonprofit technology, that is very interesting
news indeed.

Here is the list of upcoming webinars in the N-TEN series:

Aug. 16: Demographics and Sub-Demographics | Web Analytics Demystified
Presented by Jordan Dossett of Antharia

Aug. 30: Blogging: Getting Started
Presented by Marnie Webb of CompuMentor

Sept. 15: Best Practices for Streaming Media Production
Presented by Steve Mack of LUX Media 501

Oct. 12: Online Publishing and Content Management with Open Source Software
Presented by Ryan Ozimek of PICNet

Nov. 3: How the Internet has Changed Volunteering
Presented by Greg Baldwin of VolunteerMatch

Nov. 15: Branding Through Websites
Presented by Laura Quinn of Alder Consulting

Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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