Dear Friends,
A great opportunity for our ICTs projects to be recognized (arts, environment, 
health, education, public administration, economic development, governance are 
all a focus)!  Janet [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The Stockholm Challenge Award 2006  (Dec 31, 2005 deadline) is open for entries!

The Stockholm Challenge now welcomes ICT based projects from all over the world 
to enter the award and compete for the Challenge trophies. The Prize giving 
ceremony will take place in the Stockholm City Hall in May 2006 and all 
finalists will be invited to participate in the event. 

The Stockholm Challenge is a very successful international networking program 
for ICT entrepreneurs since almost ten years. It continues to be a leader in 
demonstrating how information technology can improve living conditions and 
increase economic growth. One of the main features of the Stockholm Challenge 
is the ICT prize, the Stockholm Challenge Award, which has attracted over 3000 
projects over the years.  

The Stockholm Challenge Award invites projects in six categories to participate 
in the 2006 awards. Please use the entry form, available at the website, for 

Since Stockholm´s ICT award started over 3.000 entries have been registered on 
the web site. One of the great values of the Stockholm Challenge is the 
presentations of model teams and projects, that have succeeded in using ICT to 
improve development work, for both people and communities.To see all 2003 - 
2004 finalists, go to Projects (on site).

he Challenge consortium is looking for more partners - responsible and 
experienced organisations and corporations with ambitions to solve some of the 
hardest global problems, such as poverty and inequality. Welcome to contact us 
for more information.  
The Stockholm Challenge • [EMAIL PROTECTED] •   

The Stockholm Challenge Award 2006 invites participants in six categories:
Te categories in the 2006 award represent areas that are of vital importance to 
the development of all societies - to form a better and more equal world. They 
are selected to match the UN Millennium Goals and cover a wide spectrum of 
services and activities for people, communities and their environments.

Projects are invited to compete in the following categories:

1. Public Administration
New technologies can be implemented in almost all public programs to promote 
citizen inclusion and democracy. ICT offers excellent platforms for on-line 
citizen services 24-hours a day, cyber-voting and on-line discussions between 
the general public and their politicians. Housing, traffic, schools and health 
care - all benefit from the use of ICT. The Public Administration category is 
looking for projects that can be listed under headings such as:

Governance - urban and rural
Citizen inclusion
Public services
Communication Infrastructure, including universal access and security 

2. Culture
New communication tools take local and regional expressions of art and 
entertainment to a global public, across borders, cultures and through language 
barriers. ICT makes it possible to better preserve cultural heritages and 
identities - and to share them with others. The areas that are especially in 
focus in the Stockholm Challenge Award are the following:


3. Health
Technological progress has led to important improvements in global health care. 
Many telemedicine projects show that it is now possible to give medical 
services to people in very poor and remote areas. Also,ICT in the health care 
sector has led to higher personal integrity, better security routines and 
improved communication methods for those with special needs. The Internet can 
also be used for health information and preventive care. Areas of special 
interest are:

Hospital care
Home care
Health promotion
Disaster and emergency

 4. Education
With the use of ICT, education and training are brought to more and more people 
in the world. Obstacles like distances and disabilities are overcome with 
communication technologies. Teaching and learning structures take new paths and 
new forms of creative and lifelong learning are constantly being developed.

In the Stockholm Challenge Award the Education category targets all people and 
all ages - and enhances ICT in: 
All school and university level education
Private and Public courses
Training and practice

5. Economic Development
By using ICT, business structures and models are being redefined in almost all 
areas of economic development. A range of activities, from home shopping, 
banking and mobile marketing to business-to-business transactions utilize ICT. 
New niche opportunities for service providers in developing countries occur as 
the marketing borders disappear via the use of Internet. This provides them 
with access to new markets and new sources of competitive advantage from which 
to drive income growth.The Stockholm Challenge Award welcomes entries that can 
be sorted under the following three headings:

Business and enterprises
Regional economic development

6. Environment
Information technology can help create an environmentally sustainable world by 
improving areas such as traffic and transport, energy supplies, industries, 
housing and private and public services. ICT plays an important role in alarm 
and surveillance systems that can help predict and prepare for catastrophes. 
The Stockholm Challenge Award highlights projects that demonstrate excellence 
and innovation in areas of preserving the environment and enhancing 
environmental awareness,in areas such as:

Urban and regional planning
Traffic and transport
Housing and living 
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