Hi Bonnie

I think it is an great to produce computer at that price, but I also think if 
the manufactures wanted to refurbish computer would be better for the poor 
people and  environment do you think?

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> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:23:35 -0400
> CC: 
> Subject: [DDN] Nicholas Negroponte- ISTE NECC Speech- Teachers and Technology
> In a message dated 7/17/06 7:15:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > This is all awesome and you are truly heading in fantastic directions - but
> > the context of discussion is $100 laptops distributed to school students in
> > less developed countries. I doubt that most of these kids (or their
> > teachers) will be diving into nanotechnology or the Lucas Foundation on
> > first receipt and comprehension of a hand-crank laptop. I also doubt the
> > proposed Wifi mesh network will eventuate within decades if at all (I live
> > in rural Australia where we have had WiFi and Mesh technologies for more
> > than a decade, yet the reality of coverage extending beyond 1 or 2% of the
> > landmass is still just a pipe-dream - the vast majority of Negroponte's
> > machines will be offline tools, not online - hence the relevance or
> > otherwise of online content will be meaningless to these kids and their
> > teachers for many years to come.
> > 
> > Cheers, Don
> > 
> > I am not hedging on just that machine. There are other devices and machines 
> in the works. My friend Dave Hughes knows how to set up wonderful sets of 
> infrastructure. And there is satellite. At this point we don't know the 
> reality of 
> the use of that machine, but we do know that it will create competition. ( 
> the 
> more the merrier...)
> Don, I ofthen work where there is dialup and I work where there is not much 
> of anything .I know that there are uneven resources and that is the work that 
> I 
> do. I have never worked in rural Australia, but I have worked with Wendy Pye 
> in New Zealand, in the beehive and in Maori schools. I think the point is 
> that 
> we have to help and extend a hand to people at whatever level that they are 
> involved in. I will privately send you or anyone else who wants a copy of it 
> the ICT book from the UN. 
> I am doing a presentation for the AAAS in February a ninety minute symposium 
> on Education in the developing countries and the global science web. I have 
> just returned from Bad Bokelo, in the Netherlands after working with a 
> wonderful 
> group of teachers from Burkina Faso, Nigeria, the Gambia, South Africa, 
> Zambia, Cameroons, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Macedonia, Canada, 
> Argentina, 
> Egypt and so on, I have left out some of the countries, but I learned a long 
> time ago that we have to help people at their level of connectivity.
>  I have three people who have helped me to make connections around the globe 
> Claude Almansi, Heba Ramzy, and Shafika Issacs Barden.. I don't often mention 
> Andy, but he knows that I questioned him about the digital divide and what 
> was 
> the difference nationally and or internationally. He makes me think and the 
> contacts here on the listserv help me frame ideas and solutions.
> I don't know all of the tech that Andy knows, but I realized that we are 
> after the same goals we just have skills in different areas. Teachers love 
> this 
> listserv.
> There are many similarities in areas of need. Sometimes countries leapfrog 
> using technology. I have a friend who helped to create wireless 
> infrastructure 
> in Mongolia. 
> What we do is build and learn and understand what is possible and that is why 
> I call it a learning landscape. Working in a school on my own with little 
> technology was how I learned about computers. 
> Working with other teachers on the Global Teenager Project, [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED], Global 
> Schoolhouse, or Thinkquest is a way to include global participation using 
> whatever level of technology people have.
> One of the sites that I recently judged in Africa in the Thinkquest program 
> was that of a student who biked 14 miles both ways when he had to upload 
> information from his site to a school in San Diego.
> Some of the schools that I work with in Global Teenager Project don't have 
> connectivity at all. The teacher uploads , and downloads the resources acting 
> as 
> mailman or woman. We do what we have to to make it work. I will send you the 
> book separately.
> I don't make fun of teachers or the level of technology that anyone has. I 
> have been there.
> Bonnie Bracey Sutton
> bbracey at aol com
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