Re: JavaScript is the "VM" to target for D

2010-04-22 Thread Alex Strickland
Justin Johansson wrote: my current thinking seems to be aligning with others that JavaScript should be seen as the new "binary", albeit in text form, that HLLs should be compiling down to for "webapp" development. CoffeeScript looks quite interesting :

Re: Patches

2010-04-12 Thread Alex Strickland
Alex Strickland wrote: How does that work? Thanks for the replies. On rereading my post it sounded it a bit trollish, but on reexamining my motives, maybe I meant to be :) Regards Alex


2010-04-09 Thread Alex Strickland
Hi I like reading the bugs list. I see lots of patches (for example from Rainer Schuetze) but I don't see all of them applied (in the latest release). How does that work? Regards Alex