C++ guys hate static_if?

2013-03-08 Thread DypthroposTheImposter
See the static_if paper here: http://isocpp.org/forums Under the post "constraints and static if" there is a link to a document about static_if https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=forums&srcid=MDIyMDc3NjUwMTczOTM0Mjk3NjABMDI2MzM3MjkxNDM4NDQ5MzE4NDcBLWVsS1Y4dFhtdDhKATUBaXNvY3BwLm9yZwF2

Re: Javascript bytecode

2012-12-18 Thread DypthroposTheImposter
There is Emscripten which compiles LLVM to javascript, so you could probably get D into JS like that also https://github.com/kripken/emscripten

Re: half datatype?

2012-11-20 Thread DypthroposTheImposter
I've used half in C++, although mostly just to feed to the GPU since its pretty common that you don't want to waste the bandwidth on 32 bit floats.

Re: More D & Rust

2012-10-17 Thread DypthroposTheImposter
I guess D doesn't support unique_ptr like behavior, humm.. I like this in C++, is it possible in D?

Will the D GC be awesome?

2012-10-03 Thread DypthroposTheImposter
D is pretty cool, perhaps someday I can use it instead of C++ and have cool shit like fast build times, modules, no more bloody headers, sane templates, CTFE, UFCS etc But can the D GC ever be made: 1. precise 2. able to scale to large-ish data set(2gig+) 3. No long stalls(anything over a c