On Friday, 7 July 2017 at 19:03:52 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I think that vibe.d didn't take full advantage of multi core,
even when enabling threading support. Ruby, or rather Rails,
applications are usually run using multiple processes, which
allows to scale on a multi core CPU. You can do t
On Thursday, 6 July 2017 at 10:57:31 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
This is a scalability issue, which should hopefully be fixed
with 0.8.0. I'll open a PR once that is out. Basically with the
version that was used in the last benchmark round, it didn't
scale at all, and they use a server with many c
C++, Java and Go frameworks have very high performance. Vibe.d is
supposed to have similar performance, but in fact vibe.d
performance is very low. Why?
On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 10:05:14 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
Dne 11.11.2016 v 10:43 Jacob Marek via Digitalmars-d napsal(a):
Hi! so I'm probably being dumb here however I'm having an
issue getting readf and readln to work properly. It seems to
be superseding the rest of my code
Hi! so I'm probably being dumb here however I'm having an issue
getting readf and readln to work properly. It seems to be
superseding the rest of my code. Allow me to explain. No matter
where I put the readf/readln function it will get hung up in the
console waiting for input. An example is bel