On 30/10/2010 02:13, Walter Bright wrote:
div0 wrote:
There's nothing special about a systems language; it's just they have
explicit facilities that make certain low level functionality easier
to implement. You could implement an OS in BASIC using PEEK/POKE if
you mad enough.

I suppose it's like the difference between porn and art. It's impossible
to write a bureaucratic rule to distinguish them, but it's easy to tell
the difference just by looking at the two. "I know it when I see it!"

In the vast majority of cases, yes, but is it *always* easy to tell the difference? Because if a bureaucratic rule was to made, it would have to work for *all* cases, otherwise it would not be very useful.

Consider Chloe Sevigny's blowjob scene in the end of The Brown Bunny (an art house film). Art or porno? Or the photograph "Portrait of My British Wife" by Panayiotis Lamprou: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2010/sep/17/panayiotis-lamprou-portrait-wife-photography which will be displayed in the National Portrait Gallery. Art or porno?


Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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