I used this[1] code for interfacing between C# and D once. It[2]
demonstrates how to use a function callback passed from C# code.
C# use winapi calling convention by default which caused me hours
of headache untill I figured it out. Fortunately, there is an
attribute to specify it.
[1] https:
Thank you so much for this. This is very helpful indeed.
I guess you might have looked also into going the other way
around - calling D code from C#.
Anything one should know beyond the standard pinvoke/C API
described here?
On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 07:53:06 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist
Found a simple way to call .NET managed code from un-managed D
code. I didn't know about it so I thought someone else could
find it useful.
Thank you so much for this.
Found a simple way to call .NET managed code from un-managed D
code. I didn't know about it so I thought someone else could find
it useful.