On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 20:43:59 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
It's not trolling (unless you define trolling as "everything that goes againt my position"), I just exposed my arguments. I'm afraid to see people overreacting in front of a minor and temporary problem. It seems that 3 or 4 posts are considered enough to act but you (the "pro-certificate-ppl") do not try to see why 3 or 4 posts could be "not enough"), i.e you are biased. You are about to act just because of what's happening right now.

Sorry for my harsh words, but Brad had an idea (and even offered his _personal_ money) & you immediately replied:

I'm laughing out of loud here.
Mmmh I discredite myself, I meant rolling on floor laughing...

A fruitful discussion is often based on offering good alternative proposals ;-)

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