On 4/29/19 11:23 AM, Jon Degenhardt wrote:
An update on changes to this tool-set over the last year.
The other main update is improved I/O read performance in many of the tools. This is from developing a buffered version of byLine. It is especially effective for skinny files (short lines). Most of the tools saw performance gains of 10-40%.

One of the earlier performance improvements came from buffering output lines. Combined, the line-by-line read-write performance is quite a bit faster than what is available in Phobos. The iopipe / std.io packages (Steve Schveighoff, Martin Nowak) are faster still, these are the place to go for really high performance. (See the links below for a benchmark report.)

* tsv-utils repo: https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils
* tsv-sample user docs: https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/ToolReference.md#tsv-sample-reference * tsv-sample code docs: https://tsv-utils.dpldocs.info/tsv_utils.tsv_sample.html * Performance benchmarks on line-oriented I/O facilities: https://github.com/jondegenhardt/dcat-perf/issues/1


Thank you for this, and thanks for your blog post of a couple of years ago, which I referred to many times while learning D and writing fast(er) CLI tools.

Looking forward to trying Steve's iopipe as well as your bufferedByLineReader.


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