On Sunday, 22 April 2018 at 07:49:00 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:
I also made a tool which periodically monitors code.dlang.org
for new packages and a notifies its Telegram subscribers.
To subscribe just write something to @dlang_announce_bot
Also it can be added to groups.
Code: https:/
That's a very cool library, i might ditch stb_image for yours,
thanks for sharing!
I went ahead and added it to the list of libraries that supports
QOI file format here: https://github.com/phoboslab/qoi/pull/235
One suggestion, have a little struct with function pointers for
Using D and images I ended up with a problem.
The problem was that parts of my code wanted to decode just
specific image metadata, other just pixels. Others were
interested in 10-bit, and others in this or that format. Finally,
some were concerned about aligned layout and others just wanted