On Monday, 30 September 2019 at 23:06:42 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

commonmark-d is a D translation of MD4C, a fast SAX-like Markdown parser. MD4C achieves remarkable parsing speed through the lack of AST and careful memory usage.

The route of translation was choosen because parsing Markdown is much more involved that first thought. The D translation largely preserve the speed benefits of M4DC.


    // Parse CommonMark, generate HTML
    import commonmarkd;
    string html = convertMarkdownToHTML(markdown);

Key Performance Numbers:
- commonmark-d compiles 3x faster than dmarkdown and 40x faster than hunt-markdown. - commonmark-d parses Markdown 2x faster than dmarkdown and 15x faster than hunt-markdown (see GitHub for benchmark details)

I haven't measured memory usage of either compile time or run time, but I feel like it's also better.

Available now on DUB: http://code.dlang.org/packages/commonmark-d
GitHub page: https://github.com/p0nce/commonmark-d

d-markdown was actually extracted from vibe-d a a few years ago, mostly for a software called "harbored-mod", to add support for markdown in DDOC comments, so vibe-d MD module should still be in the same magnitude of "sub-optimal-ity".

For conversions from MD to HTML, in a static context (i.e not a server), I'd just use Pandoc. markdown-d had some bugs. Maybe fixed in the newest vibe-d since the fork you compare to was basically dead-born.

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