Test code (in a newly created project):

import std.stdio;

int main(string[] argv)
    writeln("Hello Blah!");

    string[string] testAA = null;
    testAA["test1"] = "Hello";
    testAA["test2"] = "Goodbye";
    testAA["blah"] = "string";
    testAA["bloop"] = "another string";
    testAA["words"] = "test string";

    int[] testArray = null;
    testArray ~= 3;
    testArray ~= 10;
    testArray ~= 11;
    testArray ~= -2;
    testArray ~= 14;

    readln();  // Breakpoint on this line
    return 0;

When I check the watch window, I see the following: http://imgur.com/mxOxitP

I'm using DMD 2.069.0. The project is set to use the VS debugger and cv2pdb. I'm using VS2015, with native compatibility and edit and continue enabled: http://imgur.com/6mBDtN4

The debugger displays the dynamic array just fine. It correctly identifies the AA as an aa2, complete with types, and knows its size. It just doesn't display its contents correctly. I've tried reinstalling VisualD with no luck. I've checked the autoexp.dat and the VisualD entries are there as expected. I tried mucking with autoexp.dat a bit to see if I could make it work myself, but to no avail, although that tells me VS is indeed using autoexp.dat as I'd expect.

Any ideas what's going on? My suspicion is that something in D's representation of AAs changes slightly, and now the autoexp.dat just needs a tweak, but I don't know nearly enough to know what to fix myself.

Thanks in advance!

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