Am 27.06.2012 14:25, schrieb Steven Schveighoffer:
On Wed, 27 Jun 2012 05:37:00 -0400, Minas Mina
<> wrote:

How can I do that?

Why not list.remove(x); like in STL?

SList is quite unusable.

If you are looking for STL-like containers, there is dcollections which
has a doubly-linked list, and supports syntax like you want.


I Wish dcollections has been part of Phobos 2 years ago.
But thanks to the ongoing one man show (even being absent does not help ) , Library development is more or less stalled. Don't believe ? Github Phobos.

What is the problem in creating some very simple structures. Queues, Deques, Stacks. create a thread safe version, fine. None of these structures have a need for ranges, respective special allocating ,at all THESE structures have a very clear and limited job.

struct Queue(T)
        DeQueue() {}
        EnQueue() {}

        struct Node // double linked list node
                T data;

                Node* next;
                Node* previous;

                this (..........)


And in case that you don't like that..
struct Queue(T, alias Alloc){} ..
But who cares 'cause the very first queue implementation in Phobos will be in 2017.

I've tried (while becoming very unpopular) to encourage you to stop that "waiting for Andrej nonsense, but you behave like Lemmings....

I followed D now for 5.5 years and all I'd like to say now is :
Give up your efforts.
You folks have wasted enough foreign time and audience.

Bjoern Lietz-Spendig

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