I'm very much a newcomer to digital modes, so please pardon this 
question.  I'm interested in designing a QRP rig that uses digital modes 
for portable operation in the field, much like the KX-1 and ATS do for 
CW.  Other that PSK31, which digital modes are best suited for this type 
of operation?


> Vojtech Bubnik wrote:
> >
> > > Question - what's so special about MT63 - where / when is it used?
> >
> > > From my point of view, MT63 has high number of carriers, which
> > > implies
> > low crest factor - the effective transmitted power will be much lower
> > than of single tone mode like Olivia, if you make sure PA is not
> > overdriven by peaks where the amplitude maxima of multiple carriers
> > meet.
> >
> > Some argue that the mode is fast, but are not there Olivia submodes
> > with the same throughput?
> >
> > 73, Vojtech OK1IAK
> There is no Olivia mode that can match MT63 for thruput.
> It is true that MT63 has a lower duty cycle. This enables higher output
> from the rig. I can easily run MT63 at 200 watts and not overheat the
> finals on my FT-1000MP/Mark V.
> de Roger W6VZV

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