Attention gmfsk users.  I am putting a new PSK31 mode in gfmsk.  I need 
some test guinea pigs. In this case,  there will be one, two, ...., N 
orthogonal trellis coded PSK31 signals.  Each tone will have 4 or 4.5 dB 
of coding gain over the PSK31 but will otherwise work the same.

When Peter did the QPSK Viterbi decoder on a constraint length five 
code,  he didn't realize that you were going to realize essentially zero 
coding gain over PSK31 with that arrangement. Not to mention the fact 
that to decode with anything like full gain,  you need to wait 15-20 bit 
times to get the job done.  With this Trellis code,  it is 8 states or 
possibly 16 states (testing will tell) and will decode in 1/2 or 3/4 as 
many bits.  By going to N parallel tones, we can choose between higher 
speed or more robustness.  More robustness will come at the cost of 
decoding delay for the interleaver with concatenated TCM and Reed 
Solomon interleaved data.

I will first release the single tone TC-PSK31 and then go to N in parallel.

The thing that Peter got so right was the source coding with the varicode.

Please send me private email if you are or quickly can be an gmfsk user 
on Linux.  This will be one of my talks at DCC in Hartford.


AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or
else you're going to be locked up." Hunter S. Thompson

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