BlankI'm still experimenting with various cw programs and have in the past used 
CWType with my Alinco DX77 withgood results.  Currently I am trying it with my 
KWTS2000 and having a bit of difficulty.  I'm using the Buxcomm Rascal MarkVGLX 
with the cw cables.  When I set the program up I'm placing the Pitt to none, 
the key to DTR, the COM-Port selection to COM-Port (via Windows API) and the 
COM-Port to COM4 (Which I'm setup to use).  Placing the rig in the CW mode and 
pressing the VOX button on it will only transmit dits.  An example is the word 
TEST; it will transmit  dit-dit  dit  dit-dit-dit  dit-dit.  I am using the 1/4 
inch plug.  Using the 1/8 inch plug causes a continuous transmitted signal 
without keying the rig, automatically sends a signal.  Does anyone have any 
ideas on using this interface for CW.  Maybe the Rascal MarkVGLX wasn't meant 
to be used with the KWTS2000.  

73, Dennis Wyman (KA6GDT)

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