I have been tinkering with ALE again lately , and got around to downloading
DX Lab's commander for rig control when I use MultiPSK for ALE

soundings. Both work really well together.


Which started another train of thought: wouldn't it be nice to have a higher
speed data transfer software than 141A as found on MPSK?

So I then loaded WINMOR, so that Commander, MultiPSK, and WINmor were all
running on the same Compaq 2.5ghz computer I am using. 


They all seem to work. So in theory, one could sound ALE with MPSK with rig
control by Commander, and once a channel is established,

stop the scan and do a WINMOR connect for high speed data exchange. Since
these programs are not using the sound cards at the same time, it appears to


Now this is unproven so far, but thought I would share this and see what
others can discover. LabPSkmor, anyone?




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