From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Earl Paazig
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: [multipsk] New release (3.12) of MULTIPSK (CHIP64/128, PAX2, RTTY 50, Pactor1 FEC, SSTV PD50/90/120/180/240, Video ID)




The site was updated.  I failed to include you in my message to Terry yesterday.




Earl, N8KBR


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Patrick Lindecker
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 1:27 PM
Subject: [multipsk] New release (3.12) of MULTIPSK (CHIP64/128, PAX2, RTTY 50, Pactor1 FEC, SSTV PD50/90/120/180/240, Video ID)


Hello to all Ham and SWL,

The new release of MULTIPSK (3.12) is in my Web site (
The mirror sites are Terry's:
and Earl's, N8KBR: (not yet updated)

Multispk associated to Clock are freeware programs but with functions submitted to a licence (by user key).

The main modifications of MULTIPSK 3.12 is the following:

1) Possibility to code/decode the CHIP (CHIP 64 and CHIP 128) mode. See specifications further on.

2) Creation of a version of the PAX mode called PAX2:

* twice more rapid than PAX (the rough speed is 117 wpm thus the real speed is about 60 wpm after protocol management),

* more robust due to a smaller time of transmission and a bigger used bandwidth (1000 Hz instead of 500 Hz).

It is reminded that the PAX/PAX2 modes allow, possibly through one or two PAX/PAX2 repeaters, a connected mode (ARQ), a non-connected mode ("Unproto") and in both modes APRS position transmissions. Functions of repeater PAX/PAX2, beacon, responder and mail are also proposed.

I propose the frequency 14112 Khz USB as a basis for skeds in PAX2.

3) RTTY 50 bauds in RX/TX instead of only RX.

4) Pactor 1 FEC (RX/TX)

Multipsk transmits Pactor 1 FEC frames in the following fixed conditions:

* 100 bauds: to be the most sensitive in HF with a nominal shift of 200 Hz,

* ASCII 8 bauds: to be compatible with all national set of characters and, moreover in Huffman coding, the loss of a frame can lead to lose an indeterminate number of valid characters,

* a minimum idle time between two frames equal to 0.04 sec (the cycle lasts 1 second): to keep the synchronization which leads of a speed of 40 wpm with one repetition,

* idling is done with the character CHR(21) when nothing must be transmitted: to simplify the exchanges between Hams.

Important: it must be precised in the call that the QSO will be done only in Pactor 1 FEC, this to prevent the other Ham to pass in Pactor 1 ARQ if he disposes of a Pactor modem.

Example: CQ CQ CQ CQ DE F6CTE F6CTE F6CTE F6CTE in Pactor 1 FEC only (PSE no switch to ARQ) +K

5) addition of the SSTV modes: PD50, PD90 (RX/TX) and PD120, PD180, PD240 (RX on a 320x256 window)

The PD modes have been developped by Paul Turner (G4IJE) and Don Rotier (K0HEO) in 1996. They are especially used in England. The PD90 mode gives pictures of very good quality.

6) Video identifier of mode: for example, just before the general call ("CQ") in PSKFEC31, it will be sent automatically "PSKFEC31" on CMT Hell. The other Ham will see "PSKFEC31" displaying on his "waterfall" and will switch immediately to PSKFEC31. It can be also sent name, different fonts.

7) Automatic search in Olivia, on +/-120 Hz around the standard frequency,

8) Multipsk presentation (and its modes) based on snapshots, on my site.

For information, for all the Multipsk exotic modes (PSKFEC31, PSK10, PSKAM, PSK63F, PSK220F (+DIGISSTV), CCW-FSK, MFSK8, THROBX, DOMINO, PAX, CHIP...), I propose the QRP frequency: 14075 Khz USB (AF around 1000 Hz), at 17h00 UTC.


Creator : Nino Porcino IZ8BLY in 2005

Description :

General : this mode uses the "Spread Sprectum" modulation technique and, particularly, the Direct Sequence Spread Sequence (DSSS), this through an original algorithm. This technique permits to achieve a very robust mode.

Chiprate : 300/second (a "chip" is here a "bit" from the point of view of the modulation)

Bits rate (after pseudo WHP inverse transform): 37.5 per second in CHIP64 and 21.09 in CHIP128

Speed (words) : 48 wpm in capital letters to 68 wpm in small letters (average in CHIP64)
27 wpm in capital letters to 38 wpm in small letters (average in CHIP128)

Modulation  : DBPSK
A "block" is composed of 64 chips in Chip64 and 128 in Chip128. A block corresponds to a code on 8 bits in Chip64 and 9 bits in Chip128. The block is obtained from the code, by a WHP transform "Walsh-Hadamard-Porcino", so as:

* to give a good autocorrelation quality necessary for the "block" synchronization, using an "m-sequence"
* a weak intercorrelation between codes to distinguish them, using a Walsh-Hadamard transform.

In Chip64, for the codes between 0 and 127, it will be used the m-sequence[6,5,2,1] for odd codes and the m-sequence[6,5] for the even codes.

In Chip128, for the codes between 0 and 255, it will be used the m-sequence[7,3,2,1] for odd codes and the m-sequence[7,3] for the even codes.

Reception mode: indifferent (LSB or USB)

Character set  : ASCII characters + almost all ANSI extended characters + an error reset character (" Varicode " characters)

Shape of pulse  : raised cosine 

Bandwidth  : about 580 Hz,

Synchronization: automatic using the signal

Correction code: the use of the WHP transform is equivalent to a a powerful "block" coding type

Convolution code: no,

Interleaving  : no

Drift tolerance  : 15 Hz/minute (+/- depending on signal level)

Pmean/Ppeak : 0.79

Lowest S/N : - 8 dB




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Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector :
DigiPol:  (band plan policy discussion)


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Earl, N8KBR


From: Terry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 7:20 PM
Subject: Ver 3.12


Hi Folk.

             Latest version released by Patrick just a few minutes ago.


All the very best for 2006.









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