TAPR Spring PSR Journal Call for Papers! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Horzepa <stanz...@sbcglobal.net>
To: tapr-annou...@tapr.org
Sent: Mon, Mar 15, 2010 5:51 pm
Subject: [tapr-announce] Spring PSR: Write For It!

The Spring issue of TAPR's quarterly newsletter, PSR, is in the works. If you 
would consider writing something for PSR, 
the PSR editorial board would seriously consider publishing it. The 
deadline for the Spring issue is April 15, so you have one month to 
write something! 
The Spring issue appears just before the Dayton Hamvention, so if you 
want to write something that ties in with the Hamvention, then even better! 
Thank-you and 73, 
Stan, WA1LOU 
PSR Editor 


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