"I have been trying to found who started the "out of the box" thinking
and began using JT65A on HF.  Here is what I found (courtesy of
WSJTGROUP , a Yahoogroup).
For the past three weeks I and a few other Hams have been trying JT65B
on the HF bands with some degree of success. One of the most popular
frequencies is 18.102. So far I have had A QSO with at least 8
different stations including 8Q7WB and JE5FLM. These contacts were on
bands that were supposedly dead or nearly dead at the time. My
observations about the JT65B mode on HF is that the software is very
good at decoding signals as low as -26db, surrounded by PSK/RTTY/AMTOR
QRM and a considerable amount of QRN.
8Q7WB was worked at -24db with PSK at +400hz and -500hz and some local
QRN. JT decoded every transmission from Isao with no problem despite
the PSK signals being anywhere from S2 to S5 on the meter.
Since I can very rarely use 6 and 2 meters anymore due to horrendous
line noise that doesn't seem to bother most of the HF bands I find
that JT65B on HF is fun. It's not EME but on a dead band it can be a
bit exciting.
I am not using a big antenna setup on HF, just an 80M delta loop and
25 - 30 watts output. So far I have made QSO's on 40, 30, 20 and 15
with JT65B."



Then the author of WSJT replied....

"Re: [wsjtgroup] WSJT ON hf bands

Hi Mike,

Your results with JT65B on HF are very interesting!

I encourage you to try the same experiments using JT65A,
some time soon. Your bandwidth requirements will then be
cut in half, to only 178 Hz. This means half as much chance
for in-band QRM from other signals, and it means less QRM
from your signal to other operators.

Frequency stability and doppler broadening should be only a
minor factor on the HF bands, and JT65A should give you
about 1 dB better sensitivity than JT65B.

With best wishes,

-- 73, Joe, K1JT "

I think JE5FLM , Mike, and a few others started it around March 23 and
then we digitalradio folks first picked out the unknown signals , K3UK
reported an unknown signal on March 28 and after a few guesses Joe,
N8FQ said "Sounds like JT65 to me". Steinar suggested a TF3 was
conducting tests.    On March 31 2007, Andy Confirmed the reception
was JT65A.

Andy K3UK
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73

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