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Digital Image TRX software

KG-STV ver.1.0.0 readme

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 KG-STV the time to download and use, thank you.
 This KG-STV is a digital image using a software radio transceiver.
 Since this software to decode digital signal processing, external
There is no need to connect the decoder to spin the radio and PC sound 
input and output
Marker microphone jack, and can send and receive PTT RS232C control is 
connected to.

 KG-STV will process each image block in order to send you additional 
information about individual
Overall picture is just black but only part missing in the middle of 
this data is received
And is available.Images from the middle to play the middle of the signal 
it receives and
 About a block is not received, retransmission request (BSR) to make up 
for it
You can.
 320x240pixcel image around 2 minutes (depending on compression 
settings, image) can be transmitted by
 The FSK modem is a type of MSK (Minimum Shift Keying) or by using 4LFSK,
PSK and OFDM in to use the full power of the amplifier compared to the 
final stage of the modulated radio system
Come, we hope to extend the transmission distance.

Install Uninstall ○
 Extract the compressed file will install the downloaded file after 
You only need to copy the folder to anywhere and just.
 Thawing process, Windows unzip program if contains the standard file 
Double-click to open Le files to another folder in the folder that appears
By extracting the copy is complete.When extracting the folders listed on 
Temporary condition, so that only displays the contents of the file, 
copy it to another folder must
Please complete the decompression.
 Right-click the compressed file also on the menu "Extract All" item of
If so, you can click it to unpack it.
 If there is no standard unzip program to unzip the line extraction 
software separately
And.The extraction software may not be able to decompress is 
Lhaplus1.56 is that the decompression software.
 Please change the name from the initial state of the folder structure 
and still.The startup
You can become unavailable and some of the functionality and Kinakatsu.
 We do not use the uninstall any registry, folders,
Please delete as it is.

○ equipment needed to receive
 To receive the following equipment is required.
  1.SSB or FM radio which is equipped with mode
  2.Consistent with the antenna off the radio antenna
  3.Specifications which meet the following computer
  4.PC software used for data communications cable general cable radio

○ Radio
 KG-STV SSB and FM are the possible transmission of image data in.Other
Mode (AM) may become unstable in the transmission.
 May deteriorate receiver performance characteristics and transmitted 
by radio.In that case
KG-STV degree of degradation is observed in the eye pattern.

○ antenna
 The antenna is required adjustments can be sent.

○ PC
 KG-STV to work the computer must have at least the following 
  OS: WindowsVista / XP
  CPU: Celeron 1GHz or more
  Memory: 1GByte more
  Display: 1024x768pxcel more
  Sound: 48kHz 16bit support

○ PC connection cable, radio
 Connect the radio speaker microphone jack and the computer not only 
Just OK, but if you do this and also send out another line of PCs
Attenuator with cable and connect the power and radio microphone, PTT 
control path for
The RS232C PCs and radios PTT circuit is required to connect the terminal.
 These are the same wiring and communications software and a PC with a 
general picture
It is possible to reuse these cables.
 The KG-STV signal using the VOX PTT can also be controlled.

○ KG-STV setup
 KG-STV install, complete with wireless connectivity can be used for KG-STV
Set and adjust.
 The sound input and output device selection first.To do this the KG-STV
Set the selection screen, click Open, Input Device and Output Device Sets
 RS232C RS232C Port at the same time where we can set the port.
 After the configuration settings to reflect the OK button.

 Adjust the modulation level to actually send the waves When you're done.
 Actually send the following steps both sending sound signals to 
monitor different receiver
Enough to distort the attenuator and cable slide KG-STV, the case
Adjust the Windows volume.
 Speaker outputs the input signal received on a PC as well, enough to 
distort the sound
Cable or radio volume attenuator, possibly adjust the volume of Windows
The adjustment.

How to operate ○ KG-STV
- Receive
 Just listen for incoming signals troublesome adjustment is not 
necessary, other
You can receive a large gap that the local station and the station 
frequency.In this case, Aipa
Turn to see if there is a lower frequency signal on when and under-frequency
Up the number (or reverse operation) received around the middle, so that 
the radio wave
Please adjust the frequency.

- Send
 To send the following steps of image.
 1.KG-STV image files drag and drop
  Jpeg and bmp image files or.The image size is automatically resized
  It will be 320x240pixcel.With different aspect ratio, and an extra 
  Left and right images are cropped.
 2.Coordination and quality check of transmission time
  Drag and Drop, KG-STV file name and the title of TxTime =
  Displays.The estimated time required to transmit TxTime.Have a look 
at this time
  Send Image quality adjusting them from the top of the second 
pull-down menu to the right of
  The decision to send a different image quality.
  Once these operations to send pictures Send Image button.
  Send Image in the picture transmission can be interrupted 
transmission button
  You can too.

· BSR (retransmission request) how
 If you have not received the received image block, Send BSR Open 
button operation
 Accessible.Click here to Send BSR, not be able to receive the other 
 Send requests retransmission or cell number.

- How to re-request response
 If the retransmission request is received, Resp BSR button so you can 
operate, Resp
 BSR resend the image block data is missing, click the partner station.

※ Send BSR and BSR Resp and receive the new image, an image file input 
 If you reset.
 If you interrupt the request and BSR and BSR BSR while sending 
response information will be discarded.

4LFSK ○ MSK and transmission of
 MSK modulation method and digital signal is a kind of method FSK, FSK 
Mark Frequency
Traditional minimize the frequency of the space between the number 
(Minimum Shift Keying)
 4LFSK is that of the 4 FSK, FSK modulation frequency of 04 points set 
this kind of possible
The MSK and you can get twice the transmission speed.
 MSK in 4LFSK so susceptible to noise while narrower than the frequency,
Are susceptible to deterioration and transmission line characteristics.
 The choice of these two, FM and line status when it is faster to send 
the image,
Good quality image to send 4LFSK I also wish to select.Radio times
Precarious state of HF SSB transmission line in MSK data as well to
I think that.

○ convolutional code transmission mode
 Send Image from the pull-down menu above the first pull-down menu to 
the right of
New treatment is a choice of codes.Where no sign processing (NORM) or 
convolutional code processing
(CONV) or to set.
 The stronger the signal noise and convolutional code processing, the 
same data transmission
It takes about twice as Ru.
 Check the status code while processing the transmission case by case 
basis Please choose.
 Note that this setting can be changed even during transmission.

Send and receive text messages ○
 KG-STV-byte characters up to 510 in one transmission (255 characters 
max) Tekisutometsu of
You can send a message.
 To send a text message Resp BSR text entry box at the bottom of
Enter, right click SendText.
 When you receive a text message, text is displayed in the box below.

Auto-save images received ○
 Initial startup configuration to receive a finished picture reception 
picture AutoSave folder
Bmp image formats and save automatically.
 This is OFF KG-STV to check out the checkbox AtSave

○ KG-STV transmission standard
 Modulation Format: MSK MSK or FSK modulation combined with the 04
 Modulation rate: 1200baud
 Frequency Modulation: MSK ... ... Mark Frequency 1200Hz 1800Hz 
frequency space
         4LFSK ... '00 '1200Hz '01' 1400Hz '10 '1600Hz '11' 1800Hz
 Bandwidth: 500 ~ 2500Hz
 Error Correction: Viterbi encoding or without (NASA standard K = 7 code)
 Whitening: Yes (127 bits each bit added to the period M-sequence code)
 Interleaver: None
 Header: 01 256-bit repetitive signals
 Code configuration: 54-bit chunks of information + data chunks of 
arbitrary length
 Error detection: Yes (CRC 16 CCITT)
 Synchronization bits: 63 M-bit code sequence
 Image compression: JPEG-compatible (thinning 4:1:1)
 Character code: JIS-compatible
 Radio Format: F1D (SSB mode operation)
        : F2D (FM mode operation)

 Configuration information chunks

 ┐ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ┬ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┌
 │ sys │ com │ c │ m │ x │ y │ sc │ size │ CRC │
 ┘ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ┴ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ └
 38 26 22 16 10 9 8 4 0 54bit

 sys: system code
 com: command code
 c: Coding Mode
 m: modulation mode
 x: pixel position (X)
 y: pixel position (Y)
 sc: JPEG Size Scale
 size: data size
 CRC: Error Detection Code

 MSK modulation information is always ※ chunk + convolution processing

 Synchronization code

 Whitening code

○ KG-STV is a need for more experiments
 KG-STV is born from the interest of the author of Digital Image 
 Out of practical experience and competence of the principal causes, 
 Thus the transmission time is slow, poor quality and hard 受Karanai, 
real luck
On for many practical situations, and I think not.
 In such a case study because we want new challenges, means
With the views of many people, including'd appreciate feedback.
 All means, thank you.

 Author: KG (JJ0OBZ Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture)

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Creating works KG k.g8956 @
 Air date today
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God's law is set in stone : everything else is negotiable

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