Please, if you haven't done so already, send us your May Sprint scores 
via our easy-to-use autolog system at  You have until Friday, May 
30, 2008.

We've gotten 9 scores submitted so far, but I know that we had many 
more participants.  Come on!  Support the mode and the Feld Hell Club 
by submitting your score today.

And don't forget our next Monthly Sprint on Saturday, June 21st.  We're 
calling it the "Split Spring Sprint." In lieu of a full-fledged Fling, 
we're having 2 two-hour sprints, spread out so more of the globe can 
participate; from 1000Z to 1200Z and then from 2200Z to 2400Z.  You can 
work all four hours, if you want, or any portion. Bonus: 100 points for 
at least one QSO in both sessions.

David WB2HTO FHC Contest Manager
David WB2HTO FHC Contest Manager

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