I recently got my new Navigator interface and was able to get on PSK31
without much trouble using it and DXLabs WinWarbler.  I already made a
number of QSOs.  However, when I saw the information on JT65A, I was
intrigued.  I downloaded the program and the Bozo's Guide (Yes, I am a
Bozo) and after playing around with it for about a day, I finally got
it to work.  My first QSO was with ZS6WN and I have already worked a
number of European stations along with JA and VK stations.  I have
copied a few W's but have not been able to get any to come back to me.
 The main problem I had getting the software to work correctly was
realizing that I needed to push the soundcard output gain to almost
maximum.  Running PSK31 on WinWarbler is much more sensitive and I
have to keep the gain way down when running that.

This mode is great! At this point in the sunspot cycle, it is
difficult to make QSO's in this part of the world.  Sure, it can be
done, but the openings are short and few.  This mode really helps make
QSOs when the rest of the band is completely quiet!

I will be on again tonight (around 1000 Z to 1500 Z) on 20 m.  Maybe
this time I will work a US station or two this time!


Bob, 9V1QQ

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