On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Hugh Mac Donald < wrote:
> You are starting to get me interested in it again Andy. Other than a couple 
> of chats with Bonnie in 141A I have not seen much use for ALE! I will listen 
> to 10.145 and see what I can hear.
> Hugh  AC7XF

Hi Hugh.  Other than an actual QSO with Bonnie , where we did switch
modes, all my  standard ALE contacts were ones where we stayed with
ALE 141A.  I think HF Link has mad a mistake by promoting  ALE as a
emcomm concept.  While it is certainly useful in Emcomm, the average
"encomm ham" ham is not likely to have the patience for ALE .  If we
magically could get about 50 hams to start scanning one freq each on
80, 40, 30,20, and 17M. and occasionally sending a "sounding" or CQ
when looking for a QSO, we would have a good cadre to build the
concept of ALE for regular QSOs.  Using Multipsk's scan selection of 2
seconds per channel,  we could more easily catch people making a
general call and not have to monitor web sites and 'sked pages" for
digital  modes QSOs.  .  PC-ALE is likely soon to have some new
features that will make switching modes an easier task.  Multipsk's
macros and RS-ID could also be used to establish some generally
accepted method of switching modes after an initial "link".   The
reason I promote ALE is that , as far as I can tell, it is the only
mode that is capable of high speed scanning and automatic pausing when
a call is detected.  I

Andy K3UK

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