
Do not know about others but I operate Propnet on 160 often...I am 
always "live" (or as live as I ever get) when not in "lurker mode" 
(xmitting is disabled). As per normal, if the freq is in use, I 
disable transmitting. The software does include a DCD routine, but 
that will not get around the "hidden transmitter" syndrome. I operate 
only using BPSK31 on Propnet, but others use AX.25 on 10/6/2 and 
above and believe BPSK63 was also coded into the software but have 
not seen others using it....


Bill N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, John Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Key word being *unattended* ..
> I can not speak for the stations on 160 but I do see the reports
> on the web site.
> First understanding how this animal works will really help you.
> I wont go into it here.
> At 06:27 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >Is it your understanding that they are running unattended beacons 
on 160 
> >meters?
> >
> >Under Part 97 rules here in the U.S., it does not seem that you 
would be 
> >allowed to transmit an unattended beacon on that band. And if you 
> >transmit a beacon, the bandplan calls for 1.999 at the very top of 
the band.
> >
> >Wouldn't there have to be a live control operator and that 
> >would need to monitor and be sure the frequency is clear before 
> >transmission?
> >
> >73,
> >
> >Rick, KV9U

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