--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Gmail - Kevin, Natalia, Stacey &
Rochelle" <spar...@...> wrote:

> DM780 through the sound card to Kenwood TS-480S/AT, in the data socket.
> When I start DM780 and look at the screen, waterfall I see the data
mode, in this case PSK31 on 14.081.5, but the radio is showing 14.080.
> I remember when I first was using PSK31 I could see other stations
within the window of the waterfall, they could of been on 14.082.5 or
14.080.6 and that I was able to leave the radio freq alone and just
click on the other station and then make a contact.
> What I was interested in, is, should I have moved the radio freq. to
pull the station onto the 1.5Khz above the. (Don't know if I explained
that correctly)

Unfamiliar as I am with the TS-480, when you are using the data
mode I guess it is choosing a particular bandpass filter, and
probably setting the transceiver to lower sideband as well.  That
bandpass filter might be narrow, like 500 Hz.  So what you see
on the waterfall is 500 Hz of spectrum that is centered maybe
1.5 KHz below the dial frequency.  Or maybe not.

It is more usual in the digital modes to always use USB, and to
use SSB mode so you get the filter that is about 2.8 Khz wide.
Then if the transceiver dial is set to 14.080 you will see on the
waterfall frequencies above that by the amount indicated on
the waterfall frequency scale: maybe 500 to 2500 Hz, meaning
actual frequencies of 14.080500 to 14.08300  And you point and
click with the mouse to choose a PSK signal in that range.

One problem then is that if you are trying to copy a weaker signal
and a very strong signal comes on nearby the strong signal will
cause the receiver AGC to cut down the gain of the receiver, so that
the weaker signal is cut down also to where you can barely see it.
Hence you would rather have a narrower filter, such as the one you
use for data mode, to separate the signal you are trying to copy
from the nearby strong signal.  And you could tune the main tuning
so as to push the strong signal off the edge of the filter, one
side or the other, while keeping the desired signal in the passband.

> Also there is heaps mentioned about NO ALC, I have set my TS-480S/AT
to the requirements for digital mode, and even dropped the input down
> I was still getting some ALC when in TX. No-body said I was
producing a bad signal so I don't know if I was TXing right.
> Should I set the radio up as stated and then drop back the audio out
from the soundcard?

There are two potential problems with transmit audio level.  One is
that there might be an amplifier ahead of the gain control in the
radio - this is very typical if you are going in through the mike
connector rather than through the back panel connector.  If you
overdrive this amplifier it creates distortion products, and since
it is ahead of the gain control knob there is nothing you can do
with that knob to eliminated the distortion.  The remedy is to cut
down the sound card output from the computer, either with the
computer volume control or with an attenuator between the computer
output and the radio input.

The other problem is that PSK requires no ALC.  Many other digital
modes such as RTTY and MFSK do not have this problem as they 
transmit only one tone at a time; but PSK is effectively a two-tone
signal.  This one you can control using the gain control on the
radio, just turn it down until the ALC goes to zero.   Also you
want to be sure that any speech processor is turned off, as this
distorts the waveform too.


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