-I agree David, and think that us digital folks can help the WSJT
folks usually up on VHF/IHF  to adopt our convention of using USB on
all bands.

Great going on the contients you have worked!

Andy K3UK

-- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD
> working last eve on 20m was fun, but when you work
> another with a large DF, you take up more space than
> necessary for a qso.  also with the popularity growing,
> i think would be nice for a bit of channelization.
> suggestion that if 076 is the center of the band, and since
> WSJT can search over a 600cps range, that we establish
> a few channels.  such as 075.3/075.6/076/076.3/076.6 etc,
> every 300cps.  this gives a little guard band around each
> channel and will still pass all data.
> all you got to do is dial in the channel with dial freq, and freeze
> with a 200cps tolerance.  with the accuracy of hf rigs today,
> anyone can do this and get within 100cps where you can
> capture without going to a df that covers another channel.
> with a little cooperation, this can be fun !
> lacking VK & S.America for wac on jt65a.
> what say ?????
> david/wd4kpd
> ps.....some standardization should be considered as to
> which sideband to use on each band....it was set out a ways
> back that USB was going to be used for all digi modes, except
> RTTY regardless of the band.  should this standard be used, or
> should WSJT be operated like RTTY ?  its not a real big
> problem yet, but with more ops, its gonna be.

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