Here is the announcement and I have nothing to do with SCS except a happy user:


Dear PACTOR friends!

Just like every year we want to invite you to visit us at the Ham-Radio exhibition in Friedrichshafen, in the south of Germany. The show takes place from 23th until 26th of June. Our booth is located in hall 1 and has the number 432. As always we have a new firmware for all our PTC-IIxxx modems with us, more on that item below. Additionally we are going to introduce two new PTC modems, which are the PTC-IIusb and the PTC-IInet.




The PTC-IIusb:


As the name indicates, with this product we want to accommodate the increasing demand for a modem with direct USB connection to the PC. The external V24/USB converter is with this not required any more. With its features and functions, the PTC-IIusb finds its place between the PTC-IIex and the PTC-IIpro. Like the PTC-IIex, it is a single port unit with just one radio connector, which is capable of all known modes alternatively, but not simultaneously. But just like the PTC-IIpro, the PTC-IIusb has a full featured transceiver control port. Thus, with this unit it is possible to control a transceiver from the USB port of a PC.

The size of the housing is the same as the PTC-IIpro. In opposite to all the other modems we refrained from backing up the memory with a battery because this has sometimes created some trouble, especially under maritime operating conditions. Finally, with our new modems we have the power switch on the frontpanel, which was also asked for by many users.




The PTC-IInet:


The PTC-IInet is a combination of a PACTOR modem (with transceiver

control) and a Linux-PC, where both find their place together in a PTC-IIpro sized case. The PTC-IInet has a network connection (Ethernet

10/100) and can with this directly be connected to a router. If that router is connected to the Internet (e.g. via DSL- or cable-modem) then the PTC-IInet is also "online" this way.


When the PTC-IInet receives a connect from the outside, it serves as a gateway into the Internet for that distant station. This function is called "PACTOR-IP-Bridge" (PIB) and works similar to WLAN, but with the advantage of a very large range of coverage and the disadvantage of narrow bandwidth. The PTC-IInet is by default delivered with PACTOR-III and can be configured with a standard webbrowser, which means that it has a build-in webserver. It is the same method how routers and WLAN accesspoints are configured, so this procedure can be assumed as well known.


Another interesting viewpoint of having a networking PACTOR modem device with transceiver control capability is the fact, that with transceivers can be controlled via the Internet this way from any point of the planet. The PTC-IInet largely supports that feature with its web interface.


The web interface also supports automated updates of the firmware and Linux kernel via the Internet. With a simple click on a button, the PTC-IInet connects to the SCS Internet server, looks for updates and installs them automatically, if available.


If anybody wants to "play" with the web interface of a real PTC-IInet, he may use the link to one of them here at the SCS facilities: I'm really curious how many simultaneous connections it can serve :-) A detailed article about the PIB with the PTC-IInet is available here:




New Firmware 3.6:


The version 3.6 firmware considerably increases the functionality: For the first time the PTC firmware supports "Automatic Position Reporting System" as "stand alone" service. A PTC can be used as a position "Tracker". The generated datagram is APRS compatible.


Version 3.6 offers a further important new feature, an innovative, robust modulation mode for HF-Packet-Radio (HF-PR). This is also the ideal method to transfer position data with high reliability via shortwave. As a special feature for all the variants of "Robust PR", a completely new synchronizations algorithm with "catch" properties that were not possible before has been implemented. Frequency deviations of up to ±250 Hz are immediately recognized and compensated without any loss of sensitivity, and this with signals that are buried deep in the noise.


The new modulation method (Robust Packet-Radio) is available for free for the PTC-IIex and PTC-IIusb. For the PTC-II and PTC-IIpro a new DSP-Modem-II (plug in module) will be available from SCS as of June 2005. The new DSP-Modem certainly offers all the past PR-modulation modes (300-19200 Bd). Only the PTC-IIe is unfortunately not upgradeable for "Robust-PR".


>>> IMPORTANT for the (old) PTC-II <<<

The firmware (firmware file profi36.pt2) will only be started by the PTC-II when the PTC-II is equipped with 2 MB of RAM. The PTC-II is upgradable to 2 MB of RAM, the price for that upgrade has been reduced to the half to make the decision easier.




Further enhancements of the firmware 3.6:


- Auto GLL/RMC when GPS receiver is connected.

  Firmware now accepts parallel $XXRMC as well as $XXGLL (XX = GP or II).

  RMC has priority. As soon as RMC is received the firmware does not

  look for GLL any more for 15 seconds (retriggered).


- On hostmode channel 249 the PTC-IIex provides all NMEA sentences of a

  connected GPS receiver. Except the terminating <CR> (ASCII13) the data

  is exactly matching with the one the GPS receiver sends. 32 sets of NMEA

  data are buffered internally. This NMEA channel is also included in the

  extended hostmode channel 255, which means that the usual poll on channel

  255 is sufficient to determine if there is new NMEA data available on

  channel 249


- Dynamic FRack with Packet-Radio connection: Automatic adaptation of the

  retry timing creates a higher average throughput under weak conditions.




The SCS website will be updated after the Ham-Radio. Then all new products will be available in the webstore and the new firmware will be ready for download.



Best Regards from the SCS PACTOR-team




 Martin Clas

  SCS GmbH & Co. KG

   Hanau, Germany





Amateur Radio:  DL1ZAM




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