SDR Presentation Announced for Chicago ARRL/TAPR DCC(Digitial Communications 
Conference) Sunday Seminar

'Software Radio Through the Looking-Glass'

Phil Harman, VK6APH

One of the most exciting, and rapidly evolving, aspects of Ham Radio is that of 
Software Defined Radios.  What was initially left to technical minded 
experimenters is now starting to move into the main stream. The latest SDRs 
offer performance equal to the best analogue radios on the market.

For those brought up on analogue radios there is quite a learning curve to 
understand exactly how these new radios work, what they do well and what 
shortcomings there have.

Phil will guide us through the basics of SDRs right up to the very latest 
techniques that digitise signals directly at the antenna socket. Using diagrams 
and a  minimum of math he will cover such subjects as front end design, mixers, 
why we need I and Q signals, digital up and down conversion,AGC techniques, 
noise blanking and high efficiency Power Amplifiers.

The presentation will be highly interactive, so be sure to bring along that 
question that has been puzzling you for so long!


Phil Harman, VK6APH, has held a ham license for over 40 year.  For much of this 
time he has worked on leading edge RF techniques related to receivers and 
transmitters.  Phil's current passion is the development of fully digital HF 
radios. Phil co-writes the Software Defined Radio column in the
RSGB Radio Communications journal and also co-authored the SDR chapter in the 
latest RSGB Handbook.

ARRL/TAPR DCC(Digital Communications Conference) Chicago, IL - September 2008

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