Well said, well done, and well thought out - Thank You!

Ham's have been running ALE for a long time (at least a decade for me, boy 
does time fly!), and I am not aware of anyone running ALE who has ever 
received a Notice from the FCC. Our early evaluation work with ALE started 
out with a special letter to the FCC that included all the callsigns that 
were going to be running ALE. We received no restrictions about it then, and 
none since .... even after numerous communications about ALE to and from the 
FCC about ALE operation and its unattended nature that is inherent into its 
original design and intent.

Appreciate this great forum, and thanks to those here that I have seen their 
callsigns on the ALE HFN system from time to time. We can use the 
participation, and encourage many more to come on board.

Regards, and 73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Brabham" <n5...@uspacket.org>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Why would anyone

Hard to tell if you are trying to ask a question, or make a statement. In 
either case though, your post indicates a lack of understanding that I may 
be able to relieve.

Unattended operation has been codified into PART97 for close to thirty years 
now, and was done in response to the emergence of digital communications on 
the ham bands. Part of the 'why' of this codification of unattended digital 
communications can be garnered from the introduction at HamRadioNet:

snip snip

73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL

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