I have the inside word that there will be "free as in food" provided
for the volunteers.  If you'd like to attend and have a special
request, please email Chrissie at the address provided below...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <pe...@fsf.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:12 AM
Subject: Volunteers needed for Free Software Foundation fundraising mailing
To: willr...@gmail.com

The Free Software Foundation is doing our summer fundraising postal
mailing next week.  This is a great opportunity for you to help the cause
and get together with other people who support free software.  If you can
spend a few hours in the evening or help us for a full day, we'd like to
hear from you.

We're folding letters, stuffing envelopes, stamping, and sealing.  And
getting the word out to our supporters to help with our major campaigns,
which include fighting software patents and increasing public awareness of
the danger of pervasive DRM on the Web.

We are located at 51 Franklin Street, close to the Downtown Crossing T
stops on the Red and Orange lines, and not too far from Park Street on the
Green Line.

Please email Chrissie Himes <chris...@fsf.org> if you can help.

Peter Olson
FSF Senior Systems Administrator


Subject: Mailing dates!
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:34:09 -0400
From: Chrissie Himes <chris...@fsf.org>
To: fsf-...@fsf.org

Thanks to the sysadmins' help, we did some number-crunching on figuring
out the best times for the mailing. The hours are:

    June 26: 10:30am to 9pm
    June 27: 10:30am to 9pm
    June 28: 10:30am to 6pm
    July 1: 10:30am to 9pm
    July 2: 10:30am to 9pm
    July 3: 10:30am to 4pm

July 3rd is our buffer date, and the mailing may be finished by that

Please tell your friends about the mailing extravaganza! Thank you!
- --

Chrissie Himes, J.D.
Operations Adminstrator
Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110 USA
Phone: (617) 542-5942
Fax: (617) 542-2652
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