
From memory all these features are also available in OpenOffice 3.3. Obviously as a fork that has just happened there is little difference between the packages except the perceived 'freeness' and future direction.

That said, I recollect that LibreOffice was talking about merging some Redhat Code with the OO base before release but unsure if this actually ever happened.

it would be good if someone was able to put together a package comparison matrix showing how OpenOffice and LibreOffice differs. Then as the branches diverge the value of using LibreOffice will become obvious.

Cheers Simon

   Simon Cropper
   Principal Consultant
   Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
   PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC

On 15/02/11 00:42, Christophe Strobbe wrote:
  * Writer: better layout and navigation; new and improved import for MS
Works, Lotus Word Pro and WordPerfect documents;
  * Calc: smarter find & replace; handling 1 million rows; better border
formatting for cells; sheet tab in new colour;
  * Impress: easier layouting for slides; presenter view;
  * Draw: import and edit SVG;
  * in general: import and export features for Google Docs and Zoho
Office; easier to use print dialog; online help via WikiHelp.

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