
本日のプレスブリーフィングにて、参加者へ配布する Louis の原稿です。

Louis は、ゆっくりとはっきりした発音で、プレゼンは使わずに、話します。

締め切り: 本日午前11時


# catch さん、コメントの反映をお願いいたしますね。
# 私はこれから外出いたします。



There are four things that make OpenOffice.org important.

OpenOffice.org を重要にする、4つの項目があります。

First is that it is Free and Open Source (FOSS).  That means that its source - 
the human-readable code making up the application - is open for inspection, 
modification, distribution.  Free software is free as in speech and 
OpenOffice.org is also free as in beer.  You do not have to pay to use it.  It 
is a professional-grade application that is free to use
and distribute.

まず最初に、それはFOSS (フリー、オープンソース)です。つまり、そのソース – アプリケーションを形作っている人間が読めるコード - 

Second is that OpenOffice.org is supported by enterprises such as Sun, local 
companies such as Good-Day, Inc.  This means that if you decide to use it you 
or your company can sign a contract for support.  Open source makes no 
practical difference to the end user.  Furthermore, OpenOffice.org support 
contracts benefit, usually, local companies and cost less.


Third is that OpenOffice.org 2.0 is as capable a suite as any and interoperable 
with Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, StarSuite (which uses the code), and many 
others.  It also runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and so on.  
OpenOffice.org includes all the key components and features users demand from a 
modern productivity suite. Plus, OpenOffice.org
source is open, so it is more secure and abler to work with third-party 

3つ目に、OpenOffice.org 2.0は、いろいろなソフト同様に使えるスイート(訳注: 
ホテルのスイートルームのように調度品が取り揃えてあるという意味合い)であり、またMicrosoft Office, WordPerfect, 
StarSuite(そのコードを使っている)やその他の多くと連携動作できます。また、OpenOffice.orgは、Windows, Linux, Mac 
OS X, FreeBSDなどで動作します。OpenOffice.orgは、現代の生産的な

Fourth is that OpenOffice.org uses the OASIS standard OpenDocument file format.

(訳注: OASIS: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information 

We know why the others are important but why is this last so important?  The 
OpenDocument format (ODF for short) is something that is now very appealing to 
governments and enterprises; it's more appealing even than open source. Why? 
Because it does not demand any change in production techniques while promising 
many of the same benefits of FOSS: democracy,
civil participation, an open future.  It promises these things because it is an 
open standard.


Because any application can use the ODF, it is therefore resistant to the 
effects of time and space.  A file saved using ODF today will be legible, in 
all likelihood, by an application using the standard years, even decades from 
now, for it does not depend for its existence on the market.  In contrast, a 
proprietary standard depends for its continued
existence on the luck of the market. If the company goes out of business or 
decides to arbitrarily change its standard--and both have happened--then 
everything created by that application becomes illegible and is lost.  And to 
personalise it: If I created work using such an obsolete application my 
intellectual property, my property, is now lost. What seemed
to be my property is now revealed not to be mine at all.  Rather, it turns out 
I had only been leasing the space on which I wrote my thoughts and when it came 
time, the owner took it away.

存在が市場の運に依存しています。もしその会社が倒産したり、そのスタンダードを独断的に変更した場合、- またはその両方が起きたら - 
 - 私の財産 - は今となっては失われてしまう。私の

Not so with an open standard. What is mine stays mine, is mine. For now, 


You can begin to see how this relates to civil and governmental institutions 
interested in preserving their intellectual property.  Such institutions have a 
responsibility to posterity (the future) and to present citizens to ensure that 
the nation's intellectual wealth stays available to the nation's citizens: the 
people making up that nation now and in the
future. Using an open standard like ODF to preserve the wealth is thus a 
responsible act. Using proprietary formats is irresponsible, at best.


But that's only part of the story. For an open standard does not specify open 
source.  The creators could use whatever application they choose, even costly 
ones, though again, it would be financially irresponsible of government 
agencies to waste tax payer money on an application that does precisely what a 
free one does.  It makes for good politics o say: As
a legislator I will save taxpayers millions by using FOSS applications like OOo 
and not proprietary ones. And not only will I save money, but I'll be also 
investing in applications with a future. And not only do these have a future 
but that future, we argue, is  yours: For the great thing about FOSS if not 
open standards, is that FOSS encourages local
development and local economies. It is not only the socially responsible choice 
but it is also the wise business choice.


How does FOSS and in particular OpenOffice.org encourage local enterprise? To 
start with, should a company decide to use OpenOfffice.org in Japanese, they 
immediately save money. Plus, they encourage developers, many of whom may be 
local, to develop for the growing market: ideas have to be implemented and 
local needs addressed. What is more, because the
application is open source, the entire worldwide community benefits, 
accelerating the enhancements.  Furthermore, local professional support is also 
encouraged. As a result of this choice, the product in the end becomes better 
for all, but especially for local users, who begin to favour a suite that 
addresses their needs and desires. OpenOffice.org, after
all, can be branded so that it reflects a company's identity and be extended or 
modified as the company wants.  It is the company's or the organisation's to do 
with as it pleases. It is yours.


Where are now, then?  With OpenOffice.org 2.0 we have reached a milestone.  The 
suite can replace Microsoft Office on Windows.  It need not run on Linux. It 
can also run on Mac OS X and Solaris, as well as many other platforms.  But it 
can run natively on Windows and replace Office. Studies have been done that 
show that users experience little to no
challenges and that it takes them anywhere from minutes to a day to learn how 
to use the new software.  It can read Microsoft files with great accuracy; save 
in the Microsoft Office file format, as well as import WordPerfect files. These 
capabilities mean that the diverse archives of the recent past are legible by 
one application: OpenOffice.org.  And with
OpenOffice.org, data will not be lost. It will remain yours.

Officeを置き換えられます。Linux上で動作する必要はありません。Mac OS 

We therefore challenge the corporations and government of Japan (indeed of the 
world) therefore to act responsibly and use OpenOffice.org.  I further call 
upon them go beyond being mere consumers and help us make the application that 
much better. The cost is not great and for an enterprise or for the government 
surely lower than license fees that will surely
go up year after year.  With OpenOffice.org there are no license fees. The 
product is yours.


The story of OpenOffice.org then, is a compelling one: It not only utilises an 
open standard that ensures open access for now and forever but it also is built 
using open source, which promotes local enterprise and local economies while 
engaging in global development.


With OpenOffice.org, the future is yours. With its proprietary alternative, the 
future is Bill's. Make it yours.



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