

# 私もImpressのテンプレート作ってみようかな。

On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:17:03 +0900
matsu-yo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 本家Documentationプロジェクトで、賞金つきテンプレート&クリップアートコ
> ンテスト開催。
> 現在テンプレートやクリップアートは貧弱なので、ユーザーをがっかりさせな
> いようテンプレートやクリップアートを充実させたい。
> 長きにわたりOOoをサポートしてきたWorldlabel.comが$5,000の賞金を準備
> 作品締め切りは10/13、優勝者の発表は11/1.
> 詳細は http:
> //documentation.openoffice.org/contests/template_clipart_2006/announce.html
>  にて。
> (訳注:参加者は必ず一読してください)
> -------------------------
> 作品ライセンス:PDL or LGPL
> テンプレート例:名刺、レターヘッド、メモ,Faxなど
> 評価ポイント:芸術的価値、独創性、使い勝手など
> 提出先:上記ページのHow to submit templates and clipart で指定されて
> いるアドレス
> 要記入事項:氏名、emailアドレス、住所、ライセンス、宣言文(*)
> (*)要約:提出物の作者は私で、かつ提出物は他人のアイデアを剽窃したも
> のでないこと。
>       PDLに反する第3者ライセンスや創作物が含まれていないこと
>       提出物をPDL(orLGPL)で公開することに同意
> Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > The Documentation Project is holding a competition for templates and
> > clipart, and there is *prize money.*
> >
> > The goal is to increase our trove. Frankly, we don't have enough;
> > users are feeling deprived. That means over 50 million people.
> >
> > You can help change that... and also maybe win some money.
> > Worldlabel.com (www.worldlabel.com), which has been long a strong
> > champion of OpenOffice.org, has set aside USD 5,000 for prizes.
> > Winners will also have the option of including their winning entries
> > in the OpenOffice.org installation sets available from the site.
> >
> > If you are interested, visit the Documentation Project for more
> > information. Everyone is eligible and everyone is encouraged to
> > participate. The contest officially starts this week and ends 13
> > October 2006, on our birthday. Winning entries will be judged by a
> > panel of three and winners will be announced 1 November 2006.
> >
> > * Documentation Project: http://documentation.openoffice.org
> >
> > The OpenOffice.org Team
> >
> >
> > About the Documentation Project
> >
> > Initiated by Scott Carr in 2001, the Documentation Project is one of
> > the largest and most active projects on OpenOffice.org and the
> > central repository of how-tos, guides, templates, clipart, macros,
> > and other relevant material for the OpenOffice.org project. Works
> > held here are in numerous languages and cover every facet of using
> > and migrating to OpenOffice.org.
> >
> > For more information, see http://documentation.openoffice.org
> >
> >
> > Contact Information
> >
> > Lead, Scott Carr, kcar [at] openoffice.org
> > Co-Lead, Ger. Singleton, grsingleton [at] openoffice.org
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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 中本 崇志 ( Takashi Nakamoto )
 Homepage: http://bd.tank.jp/
 blog    : http://bd.tank.jp/diary

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