21st September 2007



Migrations in Japan

Native Languages
Case Study
People who use Asian versions, are interested in migration and User Experience

Migration to OpenOffice.org has just started in Japan. It is several
years behind Europe. The reason of the delay comes from several
aspects, expecially functinalities that inadequately meet Japanese
user's requirements.

From the three different migration cases we helped, we will try to
shed some light on the reason.

- A town office that migrates to Linux PC
- A company that migrates to OPenOffice.org running on Windows PC
- A town office that migrates to StarSuite on SunRay and
OpenOffice.org on Windows servers.

Additionally, the movement of the Japanese government towards open
source software and open standard should be mentioned. The Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC) has heard public comments on
the new guideline of procurement. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) has been promoting OSS. As one of its activities, the
Seagull Research Team 2006 studied Japanese user's requests to
OpenOffice.org and delivered them to core development team in Hamburg,
Germany. This session will share information on migration with people
from other countries and areas that are in the similar situation.

Yutaka Kachi, Takamichi Akiyama (OSRI: Open Source Research Institute, Inc.)

Biography: Yutaka Kachi, aka catch, is working as a planner,
researcher, and document writer at Open Source Research Institute,
Inc. in Japan. He published many guidebooks for Japanese users of from
OpenOffice.org to desktop application software. In the OpenOffice.org
community, he is helping users and writing documentations. TAkamichi
Akiyama, aka Tora, is self employed promoting IT solutions with
OpenOffice.org and StarSuite - Asian product name of StarOffice. He
worked for Sun Microsystems in Japan from 1999 to 2003 accomplishing
i18n and l10n efforts on OpenOffice.org 1.0 and StarSuite 6
development with a team of colleagues in Hamburg, California, China,
and Korea.

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