@John, please read since the "each" function could still contain a bug 
(see bottom 2 lines)

Hi guys,

I've just committed a bug fix to the form plugin. As you might have 
seen, I noticed that i somehow got an fieldset element instead of a form 
element in the $.fn.ajaxSubmit function. By doing a traceback i noticed 
that the following code would produce "HtmlFormElement" and 
"HtmlFieldsetElement", so the bug was in the serialize function.:
    if ( !this.vars ) this.serialize();

Anyway, long story short, i changed this:
        a.push({name: n, value: this.value});

        a.push({name: n, value: this.value});

Although this fixes the bug, it is confusing to me when we sometimes 
need an "end" and sometimes not with the each() command.

/*John can you take a look at the serialize function and the possibility 
that the each function changes the "this" object? (and thus is buggy?)*/

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