
Dear All,

The first European CarpentryConnect event <https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19>will be held in Manchester, UK, on 25-27 June 2019 under the theme "Training Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Europe" with an aim to, once again, bring the Carpentry community together.

We are delighted to open the call for topic suggestions and abstract submissions for breakout sessions (group discussions such as “Carpentry Methods in University Courses”, “Diversity and Inclusion”, “Sustainable Software Practices”), workshops (longer sessions or training on specific topics such as “Ally workshop”, “Contributing on GitHub”, “Project Leadership”, “Shell Tips and Tricks”), lightning talks and posters under the following general themes:


   Lesson/curricula development (e.g. working on existing curricula or
   establishing completely novel materials, new introductory or
   intermediate lessons)


   Increasing the sustainability of scientific software and research
   through training


   Good teaching practices in research computing (e.g. different
   approaches for different levels of lesson, different workshop formats)


   Tools and resources for teaching computational methods to researchers


   Other topics relating to The Carpentries community or delivering
   training in research software:


       Building a local carpentry group/community at research institutions


       Running a Carpentry membership at an institution


       Bringing the Carpentries curriculum to universities


       Attracting funding or making a case with the senior management
       for workshops/membership at your institution

We strongly encourage contributions from new members of the Carpentries community, with or without any experience of running a session at a conference.

A draft programme <https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme>for the conference is available online.

You can submit an abstract or your suggestions using the submission form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPtEFSWYyX09w1G1T5ZvhZJRQyBzXD4zvJbi_GDtnqhgsTKw/viewform>until 1 March 2019. The notification of the outcome of your application will be sent out by 1 April 2019.

Looking forward to seeing you in Manchester in June!

Best wishes for 2019,

The CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019 Programme Subcommittee


The Carpentries: discuss
Delivery options: https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/discuss/subscription

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