
Here's a suggestion for an alternative to IRC.

I'm co-founder of a web-based chat startup called Chatroll, and it
sounds like it would be an ideal home for an informal chat group like
the one being discussed. It's very lightweight, easy to get to (an
IxDA group would have its own permanent URL), very fast, no software
to install, and free.  It's not IRC, which means it allows for more
group-like features like posting videos and links. And it supports
full chat funcationality (unlike Twitter). It's designed
specifically for interest groups like IxDA.

You can check it out here:

I've created a sample IxDA group for you to try out. The group admin
for now is me but I'd be happy to transfer it to anyone on this

Feel free to contact me directly with questions or requests. I'd
love to help out the IxDA community however I can.


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Posted from the new ixda.org

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