Recruiting for research study on practices of cutting-edge experience
you a designer working on an interactive system that is mobile, embedded,
place-specific, or otherwise not a traditional web/desktop computer
application? The DUCT research group at University of Michigan (led by
former PARC research scientist  Asst. Prof. Mark
is conducting research on the practices of experience designers working at
the forefront of technology. We are currently looking for designers who are
willing to talk to us about projects they have done that involve designing
"off the desktop" systems (i.e., mobile and place-specific). If you have
worked on or are working on a system that takes into account the location,
activity, or presence of users (think Loopt or Yelp for the iPhone) then we
would also like to speak with you about your work.

We are planning on interviewing participants in the Bay Area from July

If you're interested or have more questions you can check out the study's
email me (Jared Bauer) This is a great opportunity to help the research
community understand the methods and practices of designers working in the
emerging field of ubiquitous computing.

Jared Bauer
Research Assistant
Ubicomp Research Lab
The School of Information
University of Michigan
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