Just published:
interactions magazine, November+December 2008

(Welcome) Interactions: Having an Impact
Richard Anderson, Jon Kolko

Section: Emerging Approaches to Research and Design Practice

(COVER STORY) Designing Games: Why and How
Sus Lundgren

An Evolving Map of Design Practice and Design Research
Liz Sanders

(The Way I See It) Signifiers, Not Affordances
Don Norman

User Experience Design for Ubiquitous Computing
Mike Kuniavsky

Cultural Theory and Design: Identifying Trends by Looking at the Action in the Periphery
Christine Satchell

(Lifelong Interactions) Understanding Children's Interactions: Evaluating Children's Interactive Products
Janet C. Read, Panos Markopoulos

Section: Reflections on Innovation

(Timelines) An Exciting Interface Foray into Early Digital Music: The Kurzweil 250
Richard W. Pew

(True Tales) Different Approaches to Making Stuff
Steve Portigal

Design: A Better Path to Innovation
Nathan Shedroff

(Sustainably Ours) A Call for Pro-Environmental Conspicuous Consumption in the Online World
Bill Tomlinson

(Ps and Qs) Of Candied Herbs and Happy Babies: Seeking and Searching on Your Own Terms
Elizabeth F. Churchill

Section: Cultural and Personal Impact

Experiencing the International Children's Digital Library
Ben B. Bederson

Taken for Granted: The Infusion of the Mobile Phone in Society
Rich Ling

((P)review) How society was Forever Changed: A Review of The Mobile Connection
Brian Romanko

(Under Development) Audiophoto Narratives for Semi-Literate Communities
David Frohlich, Matt Jones

Think Before You Link: Controlling Ubiquitous Availability
Karen Renaud, Judith Ramsay, Mario Hair

((P)review) HCI, Life and Death, and Randy Pausch
Fred Sampson with Keith Instone

(Closing) interactions cafe

On Mobile Communication, Cultural Norms, ...
Jon Kolko, Richard Anderson

One year subscription: $55 ($19 students).

Richard I. Anderson

"User Experience" Practice, Management, & Organizational Strategy
http://www.riander.com/ & http://riander.blogspot.com/

Co-Editor-in-Chief, interactions magazine
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