I would like to nominate Doug Newcomb,
a GIS guru at the US Fish and Wildlife office in Raleigh, NC
as OSGeo charter member.
For many years he has been a fantastic advocate of FOSS4G in
the government agencies offering not only presentations,
organization of sessions and meetings but also techni
Workshop on Educational use of OSGeo Live
The workshop is a first workshop in the topic and will focus on educational use
of the OSGeo Live, which is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or a
Virtual Machine based on Xubuntu containing a wide variety of free and open
source geospatial
Greetings OSGeo - list(en)ers :D
Herewith I'd like to express my support for Angelos Tzotsos' nomination.
I met Angelos in November 2010, during the 1st GeoDataCamp organised by a core
team behind . No second thoughts, his profile fits into the
OSGeo frame. His knowledge upon (F)OS(S) + Geo i