
Thank you for all of you who helped with the mapping efforts for Nepal. From 
the tweets in Twitter, i understand that Shashish Maharjan (our colleague in 
Kathmandu University) is safe by God's grace and he and his colleagues are 
actively involved in the relief efforts.

Nepal is an earthquake prone country and one thing i noticed  while going 
through the blogs of Kathmandu university colleagues at
 , is three weeks back (10th April 2015) they did a simulation to test 
preparedness for  earthquake in Nepal using social media. 

It is important that for all countries more prepardness is needed for combating 
natural disasters from earthquakes to flooding to landslides . Especially there 
is very limited capacity in geospatial technologies  in developing countries as 
many of the developing counrties do not even have local capacity and or ability 
to buy expensive properitory GIS software tools needed. That is why is it very 
important that there is local capacity build in all countries, so that precious 
lives are saved. So making geospatial education opportunities assessible to all 
is key long term aim that we all should work together.

I am grateful for the work and relief efforts being done by our colleagues in 
Nepal in these challenging circumstances and may God help them to help others 
in need. The knowledge that  thier colleagues globally are thinking and doing 
whatever they can to support them through mapathons etc will give them the hope 
and strength.

From: Anand Suchith
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 9:36 AM
Subject: Helping Nepal with mapping action


On behalf of Geo for All  ,i request you all to 
inform your colleagues and students to contribute in the crisis mapping action 
launched by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. This will also help teach the 
students also the real essence of education and humanity and "sharing knowledge 
and expertise" to help each other in times of need.

We thank our colleagues (esp. Maria Brovelli, Marco Minghini and Giovanna 
Venuti) and students at GEO Lab in Como (which is one of the GeoForAll Labs) 
for also organising a mapping  initiative to support the relief efforts.

Details at

The scale of the efforts needed is huge, so more volunteers esp. with FOSS 
experience in automatic image classification and feature extraction and wish to 
contribute to the mapping response for the Nepal earthquake are needed . 
Details at

There are many tasks that need to be accomplished at

Thanks again for all of you for your support and help with this.

Best wishes,


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