Hello projects, committees, local chapter and community,

the AGM is coming closer. There are some days left till 2021-08-30 to update your slides and provide your video that will be part of the AGM video that will be published on 2021-09-10.

All projects, committees, local chapters should have received a mail with an upload link for their ~1 min video.

If you did not get a mail please contact secretary (at) osgeo (dot) org and I will send you a link.

Thanks for all the activity so far.

See you at the OSGeo AGM 2021.

Stay safe,

Astrid Emde

OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary

Am 28.07.2021 11:15 schrieb Angelos Tzotsos via Discuss:
Hello OSGeo Community!

 We would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM)
during FOSS4G on Friday, October 1st 2021 from 14h to 15h UTC.

 We are happy to meet you at our global FOSS4G conference again, even
though it will be virtual, instead of face to face.

 For 2021, we are introducing a new concept. We would like to publish
the OSGeo annual update as a video, in advance of the AGM on the OSGeo
YouTube channel [1]. This way, we will have time for an open
discussion during the AGM slot at FOSS4G. Thus, all local chapters,
projects, committees and initiatives are invited to prepare a short
video of 1 MINUTE to present their status report, updates, COVID-19
impact, future plans and last year’s achievements.

 We hope you like the idea! However, you have to get active in
advance, so please take a close look to the timeline below:

 - 2021-08-30: send us your video and update the AGM slides [2]
 - 2021-09-10: AGM 2021 complete video will be published
 - 2021-10-01: 11h Argentinian Time Zone (14:00 UTC) Join the AGM 2021
meeting at FOSS4G [3] [4]

 Your AGM video is going to be one minute of fame and shine for our
community, so don't let it pass! It is important for all of us to know
what is happening everywhere. OSGeo is huge and this is the best way
to get a summary of all the amazing work we are doing!

 Check this wiki page [5] for an overview of the AGM 2021 and for the
upload link for your video that we will soon provide. In the wiki, you
will find all the important information, but don’t hesitate to
contact us if you have any questions.

 Please, don’t forget to also add your information to the AGM slides
[2], but make sure you use only one (or two) slides per team. If you
want to edit it and still don't have privileges to do so, please let
us know and tell us which team you represent so we can provide write

 Spread the information about the AGM 2021 and save the date!
 We hope to see as many of you at the AGM in October.

 Stay safe,

 Angelos Tzotsos
 President of OSGeo

 [1] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvJEf8hXbyeVqaYaS8sLvw [2]
 [3] https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/WDEW3P/ [4]
 [5] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2021 [6]

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos [1]

[1] http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
[2] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvJEf8hXbyeVqaYaS8sLvw
[4] https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/WDEW3P/
[6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2021

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