[OSGeo-Discuss] Codrina Ilie OSGeo Board Election 2021 - Manifesto

2021-12-16 Thread Codrina Maria Ilie via Discuss
Hi, OSGeo! I want to warmly thank Angelos Tzotsos and Marco Minghini for nominating me to be part of the OSGeo board for one more term. It is an honor for me to have their support. My manifesto can be found here:

[OSGeo-Discuss] Vicky Vergara OSGeo Board Election 2021 - Manifesto

2021-12-16 Thread Vicky Vergara via Discuss
Hello community I like to say thanks for Regina to nominate me, and the members that asked after her. My manifesto can be found in [1] [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2021_Candidate_Manifestos#Vicky_Vergara.2C_Mexico_.28OSGeo_profile.29 Please do not hesitate to ask any question or

[OSGeo-Discuss] deegree webservices bug fix version 3.4.20 released

2021-12-16 Thread Torsten Friebe via Discuss
The deegree team announces the release of deegree webservices version 3.4.20. This is a bug fix release of the deegree 3.4 series. Download source code and binaries at * https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/releases * https://www.deegree.org/download/ What's Changed * Add check of