Hello all

The nomination period has been extended one more week.
It will overlap the campaign period.
Please send your nomination as soon as possible.
During the campaign period the nominees are going to write their manifestos
on [1]
[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2022_Candidate_Manifestos

Warm regards,
Jorge Gustavo Rocha, Vicky Vergara adn Vasile Crăciunescu
(your 2022 OSGeo Elections CROs)

On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 6:46 PM Vicky Vergara <vi...@georepublic.de> wrote:

> Hello all
> This is a gentle reminder about the board member nominations.
> We have been receiving nominations since November 12.
> Last day for nominations is November 25th.
> Please send your nomination to cro at osgeo.org
> With a title:
> Nominating <name> for board member
> Follow the template for the nomination:
> Nominating person:
> Nominating person profile page:
> Nominee name:
> Nominee profile page:
> Nomination statement:
> Please don't forget to ask the nominee if they are willing to take the role 
> if elected.
> See the full information about 2022 election periods on [1]
> Kind Regards
> Jorge Gustavo Rocha, Vicky Vergara and Vasile Crăciunescu
> (your 2022 OSGeo Elections CROs)
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2022


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Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

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