Hi List,

Moving this across from the conference list as it seems like a broader OSGeo question about how FOSS4G proposals are selected.

My question: do we know *why* Auckland, New Zealand won? As in, /*why*/ they got the votes they did?

If both proposals were excellent, as everyone has said, then in this era of an ever worsening climate, and explicit and repeated warnings from the likes of the IPCC for decades now, surely the one that's not several thousand km from any real population should have won?

As I've stated a few times over the past decade: this is a remarkably closed process for an organisation that's built around the concept of open-ness.

Surely a more transparent option is to use a public scoring mechanism for the proposals? As my internet is still broken, I can only google around a little, but there are a few scoring spreadsheets out there. An example:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j1sV1iHfV0b2ZYZbyzdquXIIjFp7LHyLNiRtw3mIdPg/edit - and have the conference committee put their scores into the respective boxes, the spreadsheets does some maths and a few milliseconds later you have a score.

I presume other open-source conferences have solved this problem too; anyone know how?



(Disclosure: I have no oar in any conference proposal; just a concerned citizen of the Earth, aghast at another couple thousand tons of CO2e being needlessly emitted.)

On 2024-06-04 06:23, Vasile Craciunescu via Conference_dev wrote:
Dear all,

After one of the most competitive bids in our history, we have a winner for FOSS4G 2025. The conference will go to Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland LOC did great and the Conference Committee decided to entrust them with responsibility of organizing the most important event in our community. But, as you can see below, the vote was very tight! Both proposals were amazingly good. It's such a pity to have just one winner. The voter's opinion in this matter was already highlighted by Codrina. As a Conference Committee, let's have a discussion with the Hiroshima LOC as soon as possible, not to lose such great quality work. One may say, it was a competition and we have a winner. True, but, in reality, it is quite complicated to have a better proposal in 2026. Let's discuss this.

To conclude, huge congratulations to both LOCs! Much appreciated! Auckland, you did great  and you have the floor now!

Warm regards,

Vasile & Msilikale

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:     FOSS4G 2025 stage 2 vote results
Date:     Mon, 3 Jun 2024 11:50:56 +0300

Dear Vasile, dear Msilikale,

FOSS4G 2025 will be in Auckland, New Zealand!

The voting was very tight, the Hiroshima LOC lost to just one vote. We have received 11 votes in total, 6 for Auckland and 5 for Hiroshima.

Many votes were accompanied by messages of encouragement for either team to propose for FOSS4G 2026, as both bids were very good!

Warm regards,
Codrina and Till

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